Mar 24, 2020

Cleveland Metroparks hosting virtual classrooms

Cleveland Metroparks offers Virtual Classrooms LIVE on Facebook

The Cleveland Metroparks team is offering virtual classrooms weekdays at 11 am and 1 pm.

The virtual classrooms offer fun educational activities for families who are at home for the next several weeks.

At 11 am Monday - Friday The Cleveland Metroparks Zoo will stream a segment live to Facebook. Listen to biologists, check-in with your favorite zoo animals, and learn what it takes to care for some of the most endangered animals on the planet.

At 1 pm Monday - Friday The Cleveland Metroparks live stream will feature park naturalists exploring the Emerald Necklace. Learn about everything from the forest floor to birds.

Virtual classrooms are one of many programs being offered by local organizations. These programs are accessible from your computer or cell phone.

Learn more about the Cleveland Metroparks here.