Jun 3, 2020

NEW: Self-guided garden tours!

As Responsible Restart Ohio is underway, it is important for everyone to soak in the sunshine and make time for physical activity.

Parks and public spaces are a great place to visit and safely follow physical distance guidelines.

Group Plan Commission has created a new interactive trail for all to enjoy at their leisure in Public Square.

Visitors can now walk through The Square and enjoy our Self-Guided Garden Tour with your smartphone.

DOWNLOAD | Garden Tour Map

When Public Square was re-designed in 2016, the architect and landscaper were intentional in the planning of each beautiful garden, including vegetation that is natural to Ohio.

On the self-guided tour, you can visit each garden and learn on our website about the creation and details of each one!

Don’t forget to plan your tour, pack a picnic, bring a blanket and a book, and enjoy the gardens and green space.

Finally, when touring the gardens don’t forget to post pictures on your social media with the hashtag: #inthesquare