Jun 1, 2020

Square Sounds Spotlight: Tom Todd The Amazing One-Man-Band

Square Sounds is a popular live music event that normally happens in The Square. We spoke with the musicians who participate in this program for more insight into their musical upbringing and background.

This week we spoke with Tom Todd of "Tom Todd The Amazing One-Man-Band," here is what he had to say! The first instrument Tom learned to play was the guitar. His favorite band, currently, is Escape. His most memorable concert-going experience was seeing Hall and Oats live in 1981, "They were very popular then and their energy was fantastic." Tom enjoys playing in The Square because it is a beautiful setting, with nice people, and majestic buildings. Thank you for adding to the beauty in The Square!

Stay tuned throughout the spring and summer season to hear Tom Todd The Amazing One-Man-Band perform virtually or physically in The Square! You can find his music here.

In the meantime, Square Sounds will now be offered in a live stream on Facebook. Local musicians are seeing the impact of business closures due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Group Plan Commission is working with local musicians to offer support, and bring live music to our audience during the lunch hour. Square Sounds Lunch Break will be streamed LIVE to Facebook every Tuesday and Thursday at Noon.

Each performance will last an hour and can be found on the @CLEPublicSquare