Jul 1, 2020

Voices of CLE art now on display

A group of local artists created a series of paintings that are now on display in The Square.

The work is part of the Voices of CLE program coordinated by Downtown Cleveland Alliance.

The idea is giving artists an opportunity to amplify their voices while also helping to beautify downtown.

The artwork is meant to inspire others and provide thought-provoking imagery and a platform for healing.

Many storefronts, including Rebol in Public Square, and more along Euclid Avenue were damaged during recent demonstrations. The Voices of CLE effort brought local businesses and artists together to paint boarded up building facades, turning them into art displays.

Over the weekend a group of artists painted displays that will be in The Square for a few days before being moved to other locations.

The Voices of CLE effort kicked off right here in The Square when local artist, Glen Infante, led an effort to paint a mural on the front of Rebol.

The front of the restaurant now has a beautiful art display that will remain there while work continues inside to re-open. Rebol will open the week of July 6, so stop by to support downtown businesses.